Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Life changing meetings

Sometimes you meet someone that will change your life completely. If you are prepared to step into the unknown and let them guide you, you might just find what you've been looking for.

A while ago I read my horoscope on FB and for some reason I decided to post it to my profile. In short it said that I should be prepared to meet someone that will change my life as I know it. My response was: Bring it on - I am ready. Little did I know, just how quickly it would come by and how profound this change would be.

It is hard to explain the how's, the where's, the why's and the who's... actually the "who's" aren't that difficult, because I know exactly who this person is. It can be a frightening thought, to think that a person like this, really can and want to be a part of my life. The frightening part is that I need to be take that journey into my "self" to find the real Marié. The Marié that has been trying to get out, but got booby trapped by herself and didn't think she deserved to come out and show just what she has to offer, to shine with the blinding light of a thousand stars.

People often say to me: You're such a nice person. What I think is: Yeah right, I am just not good enough, not nice enough, not worthy of being loved. If I did this and this better, then maybe I'd be OK. In fact, I have never thought of myself as being OK, just the way I am. I always thought, that if I was more outgoing I'd be OK, if I was thinner, I'd be OK, if my legs looked like Cindy Crawford's, then I'd be OK, if I had long wavy hair, I'd be OK... I can go on and on and would never get to a point where I can say: now I am OK. Why? Because I do / did not feel that I am OK.

This is the start of my journey - to find Marié, to accept that I am OK, exactly the way I am. I deserve to feel good in my own body and I deserve to have a healthy body. I deserve to love myself for who I am and for all that I have to give. I don't need a boyfriend/husband to be accepted, I have to accept myself for myself. It might not come easy, but I know I have the support of people who love me.

This journey also comes with a warning - I am getting rid of the negativity, the things and people who drain me. No matter how much I care for you or what your relation to me is, if your presence, your attitude, your words and your actions drain me, I will need to let you go.

You can take my hand and follow me, or you can stay where you are and see me walk away into the light.

Je t'aime.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer Holiday

It has been a while since I last posted and to be honest, I have to admit that I almost forgot about the blog - Sorry! LOL

A lot has happened in the mean time, but I won't get into details about all of it. I have sent the children off on their annual 3 week summer holiday with their father. This is the last week without them and I do miss them. On the other hand, I have been very good to myself and have made sure that I took some time for myself, to just relax, read a book and go away for a couple of days. That way I don't miss them all too much.

The first week I did almost nothing *blush* except maybe for some cleaning, which was needed too. I managed to have a date - a boring and quite disappointing one to say the least, but on the other hand I had some nice food left afterwards and the apartment was cleaned properly for it ;o)

I also went to Copenhagen for 4 days and really enjoyed meeting up with some wonderful friends and making some new friends as well. At the moment there is an Elephant Parade in Copenhagen with the cutest elephants in different places in town. Elephant Parade Here are some of the elephants I liked the most:

On Friday it was rainy and I had no real plans, so I headed off to the movies to get out of the rain. I decided that I wanted to see The Tree of Life with Brad Pitt (always a favorite) and Sean Penn The Tree of Life. It was a very abstract and heart pulling movie. Although at one point I was ready to leave, because it felt like the only thing that we saw was all kinds of nature phenomena, which left me a bit disappointed. A big part of the movie had these clips of underwater photography of waves, volcanic outbursts and something that reminded me of Mandelbrot set Mandelbrot_set. Beautiful, but also difficult to figure out what it had to do with everything. In the end I realized that the whole theme was about God and nature etc. Far too religious for my liking, but the message of how parents affect their children's lives and outlook on life did touch me deeply.

I have also started reading again. It feels like ages since I have sat down to read a book. I have finished the Danish book Vesten for Månen, by Jane Aamund and have started reading The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway. I got hooked on the idea of reading his books again after seeing City of Angels the other day. They mention A Movable Feast in the movie and although I have read it many years ago after I have seen the movie, I still want to read it again. I ended up buying the book in Copenhagen last week.

A funny thing happened in the book store that day. I was looking at the English books, especially Hemingway's books and had to decide which book to buy. Two young Danish guys stood next to me looking at books, I presume, since they've been in the shop and at all the same shelves I was. I did not pay much attention too them, other than the one was standing very close to me. I had to giggle to myself, when the one next to me sighed as if he's been holding his breath for a while and said to his friend (in Danish): "She smells like coconut!" LOL I didn't say anything, but looked up at him when I turned around to go and pay for the book and smiled ;o) his ears went bright red! LOL

I can surely say, a trip to Copenhagen does wonders for one's self-esteem ;o) and I am planning on going there more often ;o) What a blast!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 - LIV & LYS - LIV & LYS

Another nice surprise today - I won a competition and this is the first prize! Don't ask me which competition it was, I can't remember LOL